if you take a bunch of easter candy and throw it into a hurricane

There are two things happening: what the materials do, and what I want them to do.

Art is a source of pleasure, calm, introspection, and energy. Unlike other forms of entertainment or decoration, it asks for input from you, the viewer, while giving back that which you generate.
As an artist I believe that the more I put into a painting, whether figuratively - thought, intent, and consideration, or literally - marks, marks and more marks, the more there is for you to discover.
I've been making art since I could drag a pencil across paper, a box of which - scrap paper - was kept in a corner of my parents’ kitchen. Dinosaurs, then R2-D2, then Ridley Scott’s Alien. Now, whatever it is I'm doing. You can find works to buy on my Saatchi page, or contact me directly!

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